If you have recently changed your legal entity, it is important that we make sure your Dojo account reflects this. If you are looking to amend your bank details from a personal account to a business account, this may also mean you have recently changed your legal entity.
When is this process needed?
- Change of Legal Entity: This is the process you would follow if the type of ownership has changed. For example, If you are currently a Sole Trader and looking to change to a Limited Company, please follow the instructions below on how to make this change to your Dojo Account.
- Change of Company: If you are currently signed up as one limited company and would like to change the account so it is under a different company, please see change of company.
The Change of Legal Entity Process
To start the process, please fill out the change form here. Once this has been completed and you have uploaded a compliant ID & Proof of bank document, you will receive a change of legal entity agreement. This document outlines the changes that will be made on our side.
Once you have read and understood the change of legal entity agreement, you will be required to sign this document electronically. You can do this by following the steps below:
1) Click ‘Review Document’ to be taken to an electronic copy of your agreement. 2) Read through the details carefully. 3) Once you’re happy, click ‘Start’ and you’ll be prompted to sign electronically 4) Click ‘Finish’ – and you’re done. Once complete, we’ll be in touch within a few days to send your new service agreement.
Once you have signed the first document to agree to the change, we will then send you the second form for your approval, this is the new service agreement for your new entity. The rates will be the same as your previous account, however, the account will be in the correct entity and with the correct bank account.
Change of Company Process
If you are a Limited Company looking to change your account into another Limited Company, you should follow this process. The director requesting the change must be a director of the new limited company on Companies House.
To start the process, please fill out the change form here. Once this has been completed and you have uploaded a compliant ID & Proof of bank document, you will receive the new service agreement for your new limited company.
Once you have signed your service agreement, the account for your new entity will go to our internal review team. Once approved, your new account will be live and your new machines will be on their way to you. Once you are transacting on your new account we will be in touch to close down the old entity.