Activating your developer account gives you access to live data that you can use with your websites and mobile applications.
Dojo reviews your website as part of your application to check it conforms to our security and legal requirements. Use the checklist below to help make sure your website is compliant before you submit your application.
(Don’t worry, if your application is rejected you can reapply after you’ve made changes to your website).
Information on how to apply can be found on the The Developer Portal help page.
Display your contact details | Your business’s address and either its email address or telephone number need to be included on your website. The footer or a ‘Contact us’ page is a good place to display this information. |
Display your business’s legal entity | The legal name of your business must be included on your website, and must match the name on your contract with Dojo. A ‘Contact us’ or ‘About us’ is a good place to put this information. |
Have a clear privacy policy | You must have a clearly-labelled privacy policy displayed on your website. This can either be a separate policy or included as a section in your terms and conditions. |
Have a clear refund policy | You must have a clearly-labelled refund policy displayed on your website. This can either be a separate policy or included as a section in your terms and conditions. |
Display the logos of accepted card schemes |
You must clearly display up-to-date logos for every card scheme your website accepts payments from. Download logos here: |
Have accurate terms and conditions |
Your website’s terms and conditions must reference your business’s legal name, and it must be the same as that on your contract with Dojo. If your terms and conditions also contain your privacy policy and/or refund policy, these must be clearly labelled. |
Have a secure and functioning checkout page |
Your checkout page must enable customers to access the card details page and enter their card details. It should also be secure. You can check this by seeing if there is a ‘padlock’ icon next to the URL in your web browser’s address bar. |