Download a CSV of your Dojo invoice to see a full breakdown of charges incurred across every location.
To ensure that any work you perform on the CSV matches the same totals as the PDF invoice, we recommend you follow the same calculations as Dojo.
Transaction charges
To calculate invoice lines:
- Group transactions by card type, rate and fixed fee. Each group represents a separate line item on the PDF invoice, e.g:
- Sum the total value of transactions for each group.
- Calculate the charge total as total value of transactions x Rate per transaction. If a transaction has a fixed fee component, add on Number of transactions x fixed fee
- Round to 2 decimals.
Summing up the invoice lines then gives the Card transaction charges total as it appears on your PDF invoice:
Additional transaction charges, such as Secure Transaction Fee and Refund Fee are also added, and rounded to two digits. Together with the Card transaction charges they add up to Total transaction fees and charges:
Card machine services
Card machines are charged a monthly fee. This is pro-rated if the card machine is added during the billing period, or if the invoice period isn’t a whole calendar month.
Like with the transaction charges, each line item total is rounded to 2 decimals and summed to make the Total cost for card machine services.
VAT summary
Line item totals are grouped by VAT code, and presented in the VAT summary. The VAT totals are obtained by Net amount x VAT rate. Total VAT is the sum of the individual totals by VAT code.